Seawal jam 7.30 pagi dah bersedia di Masjid Jamek Kampar. Mulakan dengan doa oleh AF Ustaz Sulaiman Mantap. Hasilnya................ lihat le
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Ibadah Qurban 1430H
Seawal jam 7.30 pagi dah bersedia di Masjid Jamek Kampar. Mulakan dengan doa oleh AF Ustaz Sulaiman Mantap. Hasilnya................ lihat le
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
To My Beloved Wife - Ja Sayang
The Promises Of Jannah !
One day the Messenger glance Az-Zahra. When it is made with flour tool grinder weeping.
"Why weep, Fatimah?" Asked Allah, "Perhaps Allah will not make your eyes weep again."
"Father," Fatima said, "I cry because this stone grinder, and again I only mourn kesibukanku the succession."
Messenger then took a seat nearby. Fatimah said, "Father, by kemuliaanmu, mintakan to Ali to buy a boy to help work-pekerjaanku flour and make the job home."
After hearing the word puterinya, the Prophet rose from his seat and walk towards the mill. He collects handful of grain into flour mill. By reading Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim then berputarlah tool grinder is the permission of Allah. He continued to enter the grain grinder tool while it continues to spin its own, praise God with human language that is not accepted. Tool grinder is running until grain is exhausted.
Messenger tool grinder to say that, "Stop the permission of Allah." Seketika tool grinder is stopped. He said while reciting verses from the Quran,
"O ye who believe, guard yourselves and your family from fire that is human and material bakarnya miles. Guardian angels rough, hard and never mendurhakai against what God commanded him, and they do all that is commanded. "
(Surah At-Tahrim: 6)
Fear that if the stones come in hell, behold, the stone can speak on Allah's leave. He has spoken with the Arabic tongue. Miles further said, "Ya Allah, Who sent by Zat right with a prophet and messenger, if you command me to grind grain in the entire East and West, will surely kugiling all."
The Prophet, "O Stone, you rejoice. Surely you include stone used to build future buildings Fatima in heaven. "Instantaneous rolling stone stop and rejoice.
The Prophet to puterinya, Fatimah Az-Zahra, "If Allah wants hai Fatima, stone grinder sure that you will rotate itself. But Allah willed to record good-good for you and remove dangers and keburukanmu-lift darjatmu. O Fatimah, the wife of the flour to make her husband and children, He recorded his welfare gain from each seed that tergiling, and remove disadvantages and raised in rank.
O Fatimah, the wife of BERKERINGAT with tools for penggilingnya make food for her husband, then God between himself and the Fire as far as seven cubits. O Fatimah, the wife of meminyaki hair menyisirkan children and their hair and their clothes mencucikan, He recorded earned him the reward as a reward
feeding a thousand people who are starving, and as reward those who give clothes a thousand people who are not dressed.
O Fatimah, the wife does not care that his neighbor, then Allah will prevent it (no chance for him) to drink water from wells Kautsar on that day. O Fatimah, but more important is the approval of the husband against his wife. If suamimu not meredhaimu, then certainly I will not pray for yourself. "
"Did you understand, O Fatimah, redha husband that it was part of the Redha of Allah, and hatred husband is part of Allah's hatred."
O Fatimah, while a pregnant wife, then the angels seek forgiveness for him, and each day recorded his welfare and get a thousand thousand disadvantages removed. When the pain by the time of birth, He recorded earned him a reward like the reward of those who strive in the way of Allah. When delivered,
himself free from all sin upon after his mother was born. "
O Fatimah, the wife serves her husband with the intention of the truth, then himself free from sins as on the day his mother was born. It is not out of the world (ie dead) except without sin brings. It found their graves as a paradise of gardens. He give a reward like a thousand people berhaji and berumrah, and a thousand angels pray
forgiveness for him until the Resurrection. "
"Every wife serving her husband throughout the day and night along with a good heart, sincere and true intention, Allah will forgive his sin. On the day of Resurrection itself given the green dress, and recorded him on each hair that is ditubuhnya with a thousand good, and Allah gave him a reward of one hundred and reward those who perform hajj and umrah. "
O Fatimah, the wife of a sweet smile on the face of her husband, Allah memperhatikannya with mercy. "O Fatimah, the wife prepare to sleep with her husband wholeheartedly, then there is a call directed to him from heaven, O` Women, then lead with amalmu. Allah has forgiven
sins of past and future. "O Fatimah, the wife of a sweeping oil and decorate her hair beard, mustache and cut nails-kukunya, He later gave him a drink from rahiqim makhtum and from the river that is in heaven.
Nay, Allah will ease the burden Sakaratul death. Soon he will find their graves like the paradise garden. He recorded himself free from the Fire and easy to bridge through sirath.
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